Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My pressure Ulcer

This is me after 3 hours in the OR lying face down while 2 surgeons operate on a hole in my butt.  The operation was unfortunately unsuccessful, I still have an hole in my butt.  The hole comes from sitting too long and not relieving the pressure on my back side.  So I have a pressure sore or pressure ulcer.   Its ugly to look at, my butt tissue is basically dead and it looks like chicken.  The parts of the chicken you don't eat.  These sores are very difficult to heal without surgery.

I was in Harborview Hospital for 6 weeks.  3 of those weeks I was flat on my back in a special bed that felt like an air mattress.  6 weeks of watching TV and complaining about the horrible food.  Eating was tricky while lying on my back, some foods wouldn't stay on the spoon..  Soon I will have to experience this ordeal all over again.  I just hope they have put new movies on the movie channel.  I saw Alice in Wonderland 27 times.

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