Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Update on my mom

Oil Paint Sunflower 
Painted by Donna Schmitt

My mom is still in the hospital.  They took her off oxygen, but she can breathe on her own.  She is not taking any fluids or eating so I guess this means she will fade faster.  I am happy that her brother is at her bedside I wouldn't want her to be alone.  I miss hearing her voice. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Soon to Pass


These flowers are not in bloom but when ever I smell one I think of my mom.  She is in the hospital right now and I don't think she will survive the night.  My sister Kristie is with her and my other sister Kellie will be there soon.  I'm not sure what to think, so it hasn't hit me yet.  I love You Mom.  My prayers are with you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Paint Roller

Paint the town Ruby Mist

Empty can of Sprig of Goldenrod
Seattle Tubs

I think I'm doing to try my hand at tagging, nothing illegal.   Get a big sheet of wood and play with cans on my deck,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

pink balls

Pink Balls

I've seen funky mud flaps and interesting hood ornaments, never a vehicle with a pink bumper and a set of balls. 

I read a story about a guy in Texas who killed a drunk driver and now is being charged with murder.  The drunk hit a father and two boys, the two boys were killed.  The father left the scene and went home to get a gun.  He returned to the accident and shot the drunk driver.  I hope the father gets a light sentence.  Having been a survivor of simular a crime: I would have shot the diver who hit me too.  In three months it will be seven years since that crappy day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Damn I broke a tooth

Seen on a pier on Seattle's waterfront

I had 2,200.00 dollars worth of emergency dental care this morning!  I was eating popcorn yesterday and I cracked a tooth.  At 10am I was sitting in a dental chair waiting for the verdict, 75% gone.  I could pay 166.00 and have it yanked or I could pay 1100.00 for a route canal and 1100.00 for a crown and save it.  I chose to save it   When I die I want to die with all my own teeth.

My broken tooth

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I like the to the point message of these cards

I agree with the top part.
Maybe an American pope would be good, but
can we find a priest that hasn't molested any children?

Love Bug

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A twisted Kind of Love

The Look of Love

Twister Thomas in Pike Place Market


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gateway to Wallingford

Gateway to Wallingford 

Sailboat in a sea of bubbles.

Colorful Duck

This mural is called the Gateway to Wallingford.  I've gone buy this many times and never saw the duck.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Oh Snap!

My greeting cards are now in Whole Foods.
Just the Roosevelt store but maybe I will get into more stores.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Its going to blow

That Blows!

Creating jobs and getting Americans back to work is easy.  How do we create jobs, you ask?  By buying American products.  Companies will add people to their payroll if the demand for their products goes up.  If you were to remove everything in your house that wasn't made in the USA what would be left.  Diane Sawyer did a story and a experiment with a family on her news program.   The news people took everything not US made and then the family had to refurnish the house using only American products.  They only had difficulty finding light bulbs and a coffee maker.  The house was beautiful.  Americans make beautiful stuff!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I want to buy American!

Green Apples from the market

I was in Albertson's Grocery for my monthly big trip.  I needed apple juice, unfortunately  they were out of my brand.  I almost bought the Albertson's brand until I read the package, Product of China.  I live in a place that grows some of the best apples in the world.  We had a bumper crop last year.  Why the fuck can't we squeeze our own apples?  Why is it cheaper to send them our apples to squeeze for us?   And what the hell is in that juice? Do we inspect their plants to make sure they are up to code?

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Seattle skyline in a puddle

Best time to take pictures is just after it rains.
I took this photo near the aquarium.

 Same skyline two hours later.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Seattle Waterfront

3 yellow deck chairs

The waterfront is very photographic.  
I like the reflections in the puddles on the piers.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Pioneer Square

Tlingit Totem Pole
Totem number 3, the first was stolen and the second burned.

Smith Tower was finished in 1914,
 was once the tallest building west of the Mississippi.

Ornate windows

Pioneer Square or Pioneer Place was one a skid row with bars and brothels.
This is where the gold rushers would get their supplies before heading north to Alaska.

Glass Sunflower on Occidental.